A night of comedy, music and bingo for Greenfingers

A night of comedy, music and bingo for Greenfingers

Check out this terrific event taking place on 28th April at Holiday Inn Milton Keynes East thanks to our friends at Kew Green Hotels.  Chloe Driver will be hosting a fun night of comedy, music and bingo, guaranteed to make great memories, as well as raising funds for Greenfingers.

Tables and nibbles are available  - you can call to book your tickets at the hotel on  01908 613 688.

Tickets can also be booked online at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-night-of-comedy-music-bingo-for-green-fingers-charity-tickets-43023228635?aff=utm_source%3Deb_email%26utm_medium%3Demail%26utm_campaign%3Dnew_event_email&utm_term=eventurl_text

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