Silver anniversary fundraiser logo

We've raised


0% towards our target of £2,000,025


Almost 70 magical hospice gardens

Enjoyed by over 5 million life-limited children across the UK

Can you help us grow the next generation of Greenfingers Gardens?


To mark this significant milestone, we are aiming to raise a huge £2,000,025. It’s an ambitious fundraising target, but one that will ensure we’re able to carry on creating more magical therapeutic gardens in children’s hospices across the UK. In addition, these funds will also enable us to revisit older Greenfingers gardens to ensure they can continue to be enjoyed by entire hospice communities for many years to come.

Get Involved!

There are so many ways you can support & celebrate our Silver Anniversary and help thousands more life-limited children and their families who spend time in hospices, enjoy precious time outside in a magical Greenfingers Garden.

  • Make a donation
  • Organise a FUNdraising event

Why not use the Silver Anniversary to inspire your own FUNdraising event?


You could…

Become a ‘Silver Supporter’ or ‘Platinum Partner’

As one of our corporate supporters, could your company or business rise to the challenge of raising £10,000 (Silver Supporter) or even £25,000 (Platinum Partner) towards our Silver Anniversary total?

Get in touch if you would like to know more about the Silver Anniversary and how you can help, we'd love to hear from you:


Our Platinum Partners include...

Our Silver Supporters include...

Become a Greenfingers 'Sterling' Ambassador

As part of our Silver Anniversary we’re looking to grow our UK-wide network of Greenfingers Ambassadors – individual ‘super-supporters’ who are helping us FUNdraise towards our appeal target locally and nationally.

Our Sterling Ambassadors include...

  • Kate Ebbens
  • The Bearded Growers
  • Lexi Gee 
  • Darren Kench
  • Chris Jesson
Get Involved

Get Involved

There are many ways you can support Greenfingers Charity.​

Click here to find out how