Magical 'Nest to Rest' Greenfingers Garden takes shape

Magical 'Nest to Rest' Greenfingers Garden takes shape

Building work has been taking place on the interactive ‘Nest and Rest’ garden at Grace House, Sunderland. This new garden will completely transform the existing garden space at the hospice.

Designed by Sean Murray, winner of the BBC’s Great Chelsea Garden Challenge 2015, the garden will provide a place for recreation and enjoyment for the children and families who use the hospice services and provide a safe and peaceful haven.  Sean has designed an attractive therapeutic garden which will attract wildlife and also provide an exciting sensory experience for all. 

This project has seen generosity from grant making trusts along with support from nearby  Cowell’s Garden Centre, Johnsons of Whixley for plants, funds raised by those taking part in Garden Re-Leaf Day, Kew Green Hotels and many others.  It is hoped that the garden will be officially opened in the summer. 

Below are some pictures from the build.



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