Greenfingers Charity Welcomes Michael Perry To The Ambassadors Team

Greenfingers Charity Welcomes Michael Perry To The Ambassadors Team

Greenfingers Charity is delighted to welcome Michael Perry, aka Mr Plant Geek, to its ambassadors team

We took five minutes to find out why Michael's passionate about supporting Greenfingers and his number one easy to grow plant perfect for a children's hospice garden. 


Hi Michael, can you tell us a bit more about why you became a Greenfingers Charity ambassador?

I find the work that Greenfingers Charity does absolutely inspirational, and I have admired them for many years from afar. But, now's the time to bring my own fun attitude and energy to the ambassador team!


Greenfingers Charity is passionate about making magical gardens for children spending time in a hospice. What’s your most magical childhood memory from being out in the garden?

From that very first bean seed grown in a jar on the classroom windowsill to the first houseplant cutting I took, gardening and growing has always enthralled and fascinated me. It really is nature at its best- 100% interactive, educational and calming, all at the same time!


 We agree! Since coming on board as a Greenfingers Charity ambassador, what’s surprised you most about the work that we do?

I had not realised how much money had been raised and where that had gone.

Once I got to know more about Greenfingers, I could see that magical gardens were being created around hospices in the UK, and could see how the money is making a very visual difference.

To create a garden with the right level of stimulation and interest for disadvantaged children is not easy, or cheap.


Your social media profiles are overflowing with inspirational photos. If youngsters (or parents with young children) are interested in creating a magical garden but struggling for inspiration, where would you encourage them to turn?

Just do what feels right for you, whether that's creating a 'garden on a plate' or growing an avocado from a stone. There is no right or wrong, and - despite the view of horticulture - accessible to absolutely anyone! I am super pleased at how houseplants and cacti are getting more attention, and this is trickling through every walk of life. Growing a plant is a great way of getting children's attention, I mean - how many of us grew something whilst at school? I bet the majority would say yes! Don't lose that magic!


We love those ideas! So... if you could only pick one... what’s your number one plant for a children’s hospice – a plant that’s colourful, smells good and requires little care?

What a gloriously difficult question to be asked! Let's choose some Day Lilies (Hemerocallis). They are super easy, almost bulletproof, and can especially withstand having footballs kicked into their grassy centres. The flowers last a day each, but the plant can have almost 500. They smell like jasmine and are edible too!


We’re really excited about having your support– what are you most looking forward to as a Greenfingers Charity ambassador?

I have some really cool ideas up my sleeve, which I hope will expose Greenfingers and their work to a wider audience, and with some exciting new charity challenges. All I can say is watch this space!


Thanks Michael! We're excited for the future too! 


To find out more about Michael and his work, please visit

For a full list of Greenfingers Charity ambassadors, please visit

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