Five year old super-hero raises £660 for Greenfingers

Five year old super-hero raises £660 for Greenfingers

A five-year-old girl, along with her mum, auntie and other supporters, have together raised more than £600 for Greenfingers through a sponsored walk totalling 10 miles.

Little Kora Bradley first told her Auntie Mollie and mum Xana Bradley that she wanted to undertake a sponsored challenge for a good cause after learning at school about the amazing amount of money raised by the late Captain Tom Moore through his walks around his garden in the lead-up to his 100th birthday.

Xana and Mollie were conscious that, given Kora’s very young age, the cause she should support with her challenge ought not to be too “sensitive” or difficult to talk about. After doing a bit of research on the internet, Xana suggested the Greenfingers Charity, which is dedicated to creating inspiring gardens for young hospice patients and their families and carers to relax in and find comfort from.

Kora was delighted at the idea of helping to raise money to “make gardens to help the poorly people”, and so it was decided that her challenge would be to walk laps around the family field adjoining the barn at Barcelona Cross, near Polperro.

They worked out that 35 laps of the field would equate to 10 miles, and so together they completed all 35 laps. In the end the weather proved too hot for Kora to wear the Wonder Woman outfit she planned to complete the challenge in, but her dad Tom Bradley braved the heat and wore a black dragon costume representing Kora’s favourite animated character for part of the day.

The family were very grateful that many supporters came along to join Kora on some of her laps around the field, including Kora’s close friends Eand members of the Lowenek Runners group based in Polperro. Jo was also very grateful that that her friends travelled all the way from Gravesend in Kent to support Kora’s sponsored walk. 

Thank you so much Team Kora, your tremendous efforts and fabulous fundraising really will make a difference to our work.  

To sponsor Kora, visit:

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