It's Garden Re-Leaf Day on Friday!

It's Garden Re-Leaf Day on Friday!

With Garden Re-Leaf Day approaching ever quicker, teams and businesses from across the garden retail sector and beyond are busy making plans for the forthcoming Garden Re-Leaf Day on March 19th. With the event turning 10 this year, despite Covid-19 teams are going BIG with their FUNdraising activities.

Garden quiz to test your gardening and general knowledge

Greenfingers patron, Anne-Marie Powell, will be joining the team at Evergreen Garden Care to host a special gardening quiz. Designed to test your gardening and general knowledge, this quiz is open to everyone, with tickets available from Greenfingers Director of Fundraising & Communications, Linda Petrons via

Brave the shave

Greenfingers Chairman Sue Allen, along with Millbrook Garden Centre’s Managing Director/Greenfingers Trustee, Tammy Woodhouse, will be saying goodbye to their lockdown locks as they prepare to shave their heads on Garden Re-Leaf Day, all in the name of charity. Joining them will be another Millbrook mother and daughter pair, Jo and Danielle who work at Millbrook’s Gravesend Garden Centre. All donations can be given here:

Lands’ End to John O’Groats – twice!

This year Garden Re-Leaf will see two teams tackle the infamous Lands’ End to John O’Groats challenge. The first will be a team made up of representatives from Hornby Whitefoot PR, Deco-Pak, Garden Trade News, Gardenforum, GIMA and Primeur. Walking in their local areas the ‘crew’ will be completing as many miles as they can, with a running total keeping them on track throughout March. Look out for a special video post-event where the team capture the realities of virtual walking! Sponsorship for the ‘virtual crew’ can be given via

Multi-discipline landscapers, Scotscape – the latest charity partner of the Greenfingers charity – will also be taking on the challenge. A team of 10 from Scotscape will be tackling 87.4 miles each during Feb 26th – March 19th. The team have set themselves a FUNdraising target of £2,000, with donations welcome via

One Million Steps Challenge

Echoing the efforts of the Greenfingers team, Hozelock will also be undertaking the One Million Step Challenge throughout March. Why? Because they want to “help Greenfingers raise awareness for the great work they are doing for life-limited children as well as highlighting the physical and mental benefits of spending time outdoors.” To show your support of the Hozelock team please visit, whilst donations to the Greenfingers team – Linda, Holly and Sally - can be made via

495k Steps Challenge  

Nick Adsett will be challenging himself as he attempts to walk almost half a million steps...on his own...throughout March. 

10km for 10 years

Kate Ebbens of Capi UK has pledged to run 10km at the end of the month, with the company throwing their weight behind the challenge with donation of £500. As if that wasn’t enough, Kate has also given up her biggest vice – coffee – for the whole of 2021. To help avoid temptation Kate is donating £1 to Greenfingers for each day she goes coffee-free! You can make  a donation to support Kate’s efforts here

The Glee Team's plans change due to Covid

The team from leading trade exhibition, Glee, had hoped to walk the 51 mile stretch of the Thames however with Covid restrictions still in place, they've had to think again.  Glee’s Event Director, Matthew Mein, who was the originator of the Garden Re-Leaf Sponsored Walk back in 2015 along with colleague Daniel McAlpin will be walking between three garden centres in Kent, while the rest of the team have been walking individually in the 10-day period  (9 -19 March 2021) to celebrate 10 years of Garden Re-Leaf Day. The team target is a total of 202 miles, they hope to raise £1,000.

British Garden Centres

There's a few buckets of Lindt chocolate to win at British Garden Centre's Tring store. Every raffle ticket sold is a chocolate covered winner! 

£1 per pot

The lovely people at Klondyke will once again be donating £1 from every pot sold on Garden Re-Leaf Day. 

Mowing Challenge

The teams at Stihl and Sims Garden Machinery will be undertaking a 10-week mowing challenge which will kick off on Garden Re-Leaf Day.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Skipping into March

At Perrywood Garden Centre, Hannah Powell and the team will be skipping their way through March. Each day Hannah will be adding one extra minute to her skipping, ending the month on 31 continuous minutes of skipping!  You can support Hannah and the Perrywood team here:

Mar-CHING for Garden Re-Leaf

446 children from Kings Hill School in Walsall will each be walking 1km on March 19th to help increase the fundraising total. Whilst the Holiday Inn, Runcorn – part of the Kew Green Hotels Group – will also be marching throughout the month of March to boost the Garden Re-Leaf total. Watch out for the team on the streets of Runcorn as they rack up the miles.

If that wasn’t enough, Holly Parker, Learning and Development Assistant at HTA, has pledged to walk 50 miles every week to support Garden Re-Leaf Day.  Go Holly! 

Free garden design consultancy

The Garden Design Company will see staff donate their salary on Garden Re-Leaf Day whilst Greenfingers Trustee, Rob Jones will also be offering free design consultations (in return for a donation to support the work of Greenfingers) to coincide with Garden Re-Leaf, with 10 consultations already booked!

Schools once again get involved

The Boston West Academy will be asking for donations for pots painted by the students and at Kings Hill School over 400 children will be walking 1km to raise funds.  

QVC and its vendors confirm their ongoing support

Supporters of Garden Re-Leaf Day for many years, the QVC family including Richard Jackson and Michael Perry, will continue to use their significant platform to raise funds for the Greenfingers charity. Garden product sales on March 27th will help to increase the 2021 FUNdraising total.

Get involved in Garden Re-Leaf Day 2021

Since its inception in 2012, Garden Re-Leaf Day has been a key event within the garden retail calendar. Each year hundreds of people from across the industry, including suppliers and retailers, come together to undertake an incredible series of fundraising events. During the last nine years the event has raised in excess of £660,000, all of which has gone towards helping the charity design and create magical gardens in children’s hospices throughout the country.

To find out more please contact Linda Petrons by emailing


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