Taylors Bulbs Get Children into Gardening this October

Taylors Bulbs Get Children into Gardening this October

As part of their centenary celebrations, Taylors Bulbs are launching a nationwide campaign to get children planting bulbs this October. The ‘Little Daffodils’ initiative will be widespread throughout the UK at participating garden centres, who will be working with local schools or holding their own planting events for children to have the opportunity to learn more about nature and grow their own flowers.

Adam Taylor, one of the fourth generation of the Taylor family said; “We want to create a really special event to mark our Centenary year, and, particularly as we are a family business, we know the importance and the joy of engaging the next generation with growing. My dream is that tens of thousands of children get a chance to plant bulbs this autumn through the ‘Little Daffodils’ initiative and then watch them flower next spring, experiencing one of the delights of gardening.

The campaign will take place during October. Children will get the opportunity to enjoy planting daffodil bulbs in their own pot and taking it home to watch the magic grow! There are over 150 garden centres taking part. Look out for details of ‘Little Daffodil’ planting events in your local area.

Adam added, “We are also very pleased to support Greenfingers and raise money for this fantastic charity, dedicated to supporting children who spend time in hospices. It seems the perfect circle to engage with children via our customers and then to support many others who may be unable to experience the joy of gardening for themselves due to illness.”

Taylors Bulbs are the UK’s leading supplier of flower bulbs, growing and supplying flower bulbs since 1919. At the helm of the family business is Adam and his cousin Sam, the fourth generation of the Taylor family, who also work with Sam’s father Roger to oversee the family owned business.

For further information on ‘Little Daffodils’ or image requests please contact Adam Taylor or Ian Clark

Huge thanks to Taylors Bulbs for supporting Greenfingers Charity with this fantastic initiative.




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