A Fantastic Donation from Squire's Garden Centres

A Fantastic Donation from Squire's Garden Centres

Squire’s Garden Centres has donated £3,929 to Greenfingers Charity –  £3,347 was raised from the proceeds of the government 5p carrier bag tax, and £582 from Squire’s 'Create & Grow' planting event for children over the Mother's Day weekend.

Sarah Squire, Chairman of Squire’s commented, “We are delighted to be able to donate this money to Greenfingers. This is a wonderful charity, which creates inspiring gardens at hospices throughout the UK. These really are important spaces for children and their families.”

Linda Petrons, Director of Fundraising & Communications at Greenfingers added “This is the third year that Squire’s have donated the proceeds of the carrier bag tax to us, and we are extremely grateful to them for choosing to support us. With four more gardens planned for this year, this money will go towards ensuring that life-limited children can spend quality time outside with their families, friends and carers in a safe and protective environment.”

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