Would you climb Kilimanjaro for the Greenfingers Charity?

Could you take on the extraordinary challenge of climbing Kilimanjaro – the legendary ‘Roof of Africa’ - to raise vital funds for @Greenfingerscharity?
Conquering Kilimanjaro is no small feat. The journey to the summit takes 7 days, with nothing but a tent between you and the wilds of Africa. An elevation of 5,895m pushes bodies to the limit, with an overnight trek on summit day taking you to views that reach for hundreds of miles. It’s no wonder this challenge is often described as life changing.
Earmarked for 2026 and organised by the expert team at CharityChallenge, this new event will enable fundraisers to take Greenfingers Charity to the top of the world. Already confirmed to participate is Greenfingers ambassador and fundraising extraordinaire, Kate Ebbens, who is the driving force behind the challenge. Following on from her incredible 366-day fundraiser, Kate is now calling upon others to join her for this once in a lifetime opportunity.
Find out more here, or feel free to reach out to Linda Petrons via linda@greenfingerscharity.org.uk